my dairy-free Chocolate Truffle Cake
We've also had a few horsey incidents. Poco had an eye infection, then Peg got a strange, unexplained leg injury that caused his whole lower leg to swell (He is better now, thank the Lord.). Rusty is struggling with his summer heaves. Poco apparently had an encounter with a poisonous snake, and she has a nasty bite on her belly. Thankfully, Buddy and Jack are healthy and well. All of them are looking really nice now that they have their summer coats. There are dapples on Jack's sleek, dun sides. He is such a pretty boy.
I am sorry I have not been regular in my blog posting. I hope to do a better job in future.
The Walker Sisters' Cabin
We also went to Chimneys picnic area and played in the stream. There are many boulders in the stream there, so many that it is possible to hop across and back without getting wet (unless you slip and fall in, like Momma did). We play in that stream every time we go to the Smokies. On our last day, we went into Gatlinburg and had dinner. We rode the skylift up and down the mountain, and we went to the top of an observation tower. It was all quite interesting. We were also able to meet up with a friend of ours who is working as a park ranger in the National Park. It was good to see her again.