I made a big decision recently! I decided to have my long hair cut, because it was taking a lot of time to care for it properly. Hairstyles were limited, and washing it took a long time, lots of shampoo, and patience while the hair dried after washing. This was a big decision, because my hair has been long for a very long time. Daddy wanted me to think about having my hair cut, because he thought it would be easier for me and would look nicer. I wasn't sure if I would like shorter hair, but I did want to know how it would look. I have learned to listen to my parents' advice on the subject of physical appearance. It helps me to discern God's will for me. I timidly made an appointment with our hair stylist friend. She was quite encouraging, and she suggested that I donate my cut off ponytail to a company that makes wigs for children with hair loss. I had already had the idea of donating my hair, and I took her suggestion as direction from the Lord to go ahead. That made me feel even better about the impending haircut.

After the first cut was made, I began to be excited about my new look. When the stylist finished her work, I really liked the way my hair appeared. I have continued to be pleased with it, in spite of an unpleasant encounter with a hot curling iron that left me with a burned forehead. Hmm, I think I need more practice with that device. It is a little bit scary. That incident aside, my attempts to fix my shorter hair have been met with success.

This is the second big change that has been made to my appearance. I tried contact lenses this year for the very first time. That was an even bigger event than the haircut. I have worn glasses since second grade, and I have always resisted contacts. I don't like putting things in my eyes. However, recently the lenses in my glasses have become so heavy that they make my glasses slide down my nose. I don't see well with them down there, and they will not stay up where they belong. My only option was contact lenses. God had been prompting me through my parents to try contacts, but I wasn't interested until I had no other option. I am very glad that I finally considered wearing contacts. They allow me to see so much better than I could with glasses. It was pretty funny to observe my family and friends' reactions to me without my glasses. I look very different without them, and I had to become used to seeing myself!
I thank God that he prompted me to make some changes this year. I don't usually like change, and I can be fairly stubborn about resisting changes in my life. However, as in these examples, change can be quite beneficial. I can now see better, and I don't have to spend so long working with my hair. I am glad that I followed His direction. It seems like a small detail of life, but I am learning that every part of my life matters to God. Each thing in my life can teach me to submit to God's will and trust Him to lead me in the right path. Even a little matter like a haircut or a pair of contact lenses can help me to learn a lesson from the Lord.