Monday, October 18, 2010

A Change of Plans

We had Dr. Justin, our vet, out to do a routine procedure on Peg and Jack a little over two weeks ago.  While he was here, I asked him to examine Peg's back.  I had been noticing that Peg was sore and that one of his vertebrae appeared to be out of alignment, and I wanted to see what Dr. Justin would think of it.  He palpated Peg's back and found that he is extremely sore.  Dr. Justin has prescribed a month of rest for Peg, which means he cannot go to GaitWay or be ridden at all.  I am missing my horsey friend, and I can't take him on trail rides for a while.

Hopefully the rest will give Peg's back a chance to heal, and he can go back to his normal schedule.  I do not know what happened to make Peg so sore, but we are guessing that he fell hard while playing around in his pasture.  If the rest period doesn't fix Peg's injured back, we'll have to look at other options.

In the meantime, Rusty is doing Peg's job at GaitWay.  Rusty is very good at it, and the exercise will be beneficial to him.  He is such a funny old guy, and he dislikes exercise in most forms.  However, the work at GaitWay is his kind of thing.

Guess who I am riding?

Poco has come out of retirement to fill in for Peg as my riding horse.  I love riding her, and I am glad that she is able to be ridden.  Poco was excited about getting back to work, and she has shown plenty of energy and willingness.  Retirement wasn't her idea in the first place.  She is going to be my trail companion this fall.  Hold on to your hats, everybody, because Poco can be a wild ride!

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