Monday, May 31, 2010

Home Again

We are back at home after our Smoky Mountains adventure. This post will be part one of the tale of our trip. Daddy, Annie, and I had fun on our backcountry hike. It was a strenuous hike, but not so difficult that it ceased to be pleasant. The first day was the easiest day. We got to see Tom Branch Falls, a lovely waterfall. When we stopped to filter water in the creek, I lost my balance and fell in. Thankfully, I had on my quick-dry hiking clothes, so I wasn't wet for very long. That evening we swam in Deep Creek, which ran near our campsite. Nothing feels better than swimming in an icy cold mountain stream after a long, sweaty hike.

At each campsite, there is something called a bear apparatus. It allows one to hoist one's pack up on a cable, out of reach of bears and other varmints that want a hiker's dinner. Everything with a scent to it must be hung up. Those who fail to comply may wake up in the night to an unwelcome camp visitor.

Poor Annie ended up with blisters on all ten toes. Her tried-and-true hiking boots wore out just before the trip, and she had to wear brand-new ones. It is asking for trouble to take new, stiff boots into the backcountry. Boots need to be broken in to prevent blisters. However, Annie had no choice. She didn't seem to mind much. She was glad to be hiking.

All the afternoon of the second day, we were searching for water. Usually, there is no difficulty about finding water in the Smokies, but that day we didn't see any. By the time we arrived at camp, we had no water left. It was disheartening, therefore, to see this sign:

We were up on the top of a mountain, Newton's Bald to be exact. The sign pointed down a steep incline into the forest, and we were really tired. No water could be seen from the top. However, once we were down there, we discovered a lovely little spring of cold water bubbling up from the earth. It was probably the best water I have ever tasted.

Here is our camp on Newton's Bald. It was threatening to rain when we walked in, so we set up our camp rather hurriedly. After the rain had passed, we noticed that we were set up right in the middle of the trail. It is a good thing that trail is little used. I don't think anyone passing through would have been pleased.

To finish my story of our backpacking trip, we had a nice time. We hiked 22.7 miles and saw some beautiful scenery. The trail we took was infrequently used, so we saw almost no other people. I had opportunities to see wildflowers that I likely would not have seen elsewhere. It was a good trip.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Daddy, Annie, and I are leaving tomorrow morning for our trip to the Smokies. We are all excited about it, and we've bee working hard to get ready to go. We'll drive up there tomorrow, camp at a campground tomorrow night, then hit the trail on Sunday morning. We will spend three days and two nights in the back country.

After the back country portion of the trip is done, Momma will fly in. Daddy has rented a lovely chalet for the rest of the week, and we'll stay there and do some nice day hikes. It should be a special family time. Daddy has planned Bible times for us, both on the trail and at the chalet.

So, what will the menagerie think about this abandonment, and who will care for them? Our wonderful neighbors are splitting the tasks (and the menagerie). Ms. Rae is going to care for the cats and dogs, and Poco and Rusty will live at her house while we are away. Mrs. Carol is going to take on the job of feeding Buddy, Peg, and Jack. We may also ask her to water our vegetable garden. It is such a blessing to have nice neighbors to help out. I am sure the animals will be well cared for.

Thanks, Ms. Rae and Mrs. Carol! We really appreciate it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's been happening over here?

Pegasus is modeling his new fly bonnet. It is designed to be worn while riding, and it keeps the bugs out of your horse's ears. Reactions have been varied. Some people, like me, think he is cute in his little hat. Others laugh at him. However, it is undeniable that he is more comfortable with it than without it. The deerflies have been terrible lately.

Massacre in the pasture!

Poco, Peg, and Jack decided that a long nap was in order. Usually they designate at least one horse (Jack, because he is the youngest) to stand sentry, but the weather was just too nice. They were snoring and nickering in their sleep.

The current big news over here is that we are taking a vacation as a family. We will go to the Smoky Mountains and rent a chalet. First, Daddy, Annie, and I will drive up and backcountry hike for three days and two nights. Then, Momma will fly in, and we'll spend four more days dayhiking as a family. We are all excited. We have not had a family vacation since we got the horses. It is going to be a lovely time. Daddy says our total mileage may be around 50 miles. If you know Annie, you know that will make her very happy. Although I believe she'd be happier with 100 miles...

Here is today's scripture.

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 KJV

Monday, May 3, 2010

Property Updates

Here is a photo of the irrigation system that Daddy installed in our garden. It is a big help, as long as you don't forget to turn it off when you're done... like I did once. It turned out okay, though.

My herb garden is enjoying the warmth and sunshine. Everything is coming up abundantly, especially the ever-invasive mints. They have creatively escaped the confinement of their bed, and they are now sprouting in the grass. I like it, but I think Daddy would classify it as a weed. It is an herb in the garden and a weed in the grass.

This is the view from the left side of our house looking toward the front "yard." This is my Seven Sisters rose and one of our bluebird houses (no bluebirds inside, though. Spunkabitty terrorizes any bird foolish enough to nest there.).
I'm sorry my posts have been so brief lately. We are quite busy. Hopefully things will calm down soon, and I will be able to fill you in on what has been happening over here.