Friday, May 21, 2010


Daddy, Annie, and I are leaving tomorrow morning for our trip to the Smokies. We are all excited about it, and we've bee working hard to get ready to go. We'll drive up there tomorrow, camp at a campground tomorrow night, then hit the trail on Sunday morning. We will spend three days and two nights in the back country.

After the back country portion of the trip is done, Momma will fly in. Daddy has rented a lovely chalet for the rest of the week, and we'll stay there and do some nice day hikes. It should be a special family time. Daddy has planned Bible times for us, both on the trail and at the chalet.

So, what will the menagerie think about this abandonment, and who will care for them? Our wonderful neighbors are splitting the tasks (and the menagerie). Ms. Rae is going to care for the cats and dogs, and Poco and Rusty will live at her house while we are away. Mrs. Carol is going to take on the job of feeding Buddy, Peg, and Jack. We may also ask her to water our vegetable garden. It is such a blessing to have nice neighbors to help out. I am sure the animals will be well cared for.

Thanks, Ms. Rae and Mrs. Carol! We really appreciate it.


  1. Have a safe trip! If you need somewhere to rest and you just happen to be near Chattanooga, COME VISIT US!!! I will feed you!!! Sounds like a wonderful vacation - enjoy!

  2. Praying that you're having a wonderful, blessed time!
