Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UFO? Hmmm...

Last night, Annie and I went out to feed the horses well after dark.  I had fed Peg and Poco, and I was hurrying out to feed Ginger.  Annie was in the back pasture putting blankets on Rusty, Buddy, and Jack.  Suddenly, the northern sky was lit up by a ball of blue and orange flame.  It fell rapidly across the sky and disappeared at the treeline.  I stood in the middle of the pasture for a moment, awed and a bit frightened by what I had witnessed.  Ginger was staring up at the sky in bewilderment, but she quickly forgot the strange sight in the more important task at hand: getting my attention so I'd feed her.

Annie didn't see the fireball itself, but she did see the flash of light.  We spent a few minutes speculating about what had caused the fireball.  When we went inside, we told Momma and Daddy what we had seen. 

So, readers, do you have any guesses as to what it was?  Any help in finding answers will be greatly appreciated.  We are very curious about our UFO.


  1. Hi Jill! My guess would be that it was a meteor or "shooting star". Usually they are just small streaks across the sky, but on rare occasions during actual meteor showers, I have seen really large ones that looked like you described. If we hadn't actually been outside looking for meteors, I am sure that I would have been extremely startled by it!!!

  2. I thought that our "fireball" might be a meteor, and I actually spent quite a while looking for more of them last night. This morning I looked online to see if any meteor showers were supposed to be visible in our area last night, but there were none. However, that was my guess as well. Thanks!
