Saturday, December 19, 2009

Delivering Christmas Goodies

This afternoon Annie and I decorated the horses, and we all went out to deliver our Christmas bread to our neighbors. We bought red and green yarn and gold bells and braided their manes and tails. Daddy rode Jack, Momma rode Rusty, Annie rode Buddy, and I rode Peg. We had a really nice time, and everybody behaved. It has been over a month since the younger horses were ridden, and Rusty has not had a rider in over a year. They were good boys, especially since we encountered a four-wheeler, several dogs, some cars, a few chickens, two frisky, galloping horses, and a loop of loose barbed wire in which Rusty entangled his foot. Jack said it was all quite interesting.

I really like to hand out our Christmas goodies that way. Our neighbors seem to enjoy it as well. This year it was extra special, because Daddy and Momma came with us. Riding down the road on our horses, bells jingling, carrying cranberry bread (it smelled so good!) really puts one in the Christmas spirit. Peg and Jack thought the bread they were carrying smelled like something a horse would like to eat. They kept trying to reach it while we were riding. Thankfully, we were able to keep it away from them. We fed them horse cookies when we returned to the barn.

Tonight, Daddy is hanging our outside Christmas lights. They are not cooperating, and some of them won't light up. Our house will be lovely when Daddy finishes, though. I think white icicle lights on a house are pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading about your activities. Your writing is so descriptive that I can see you clearly as you ride your dressed up horses to deliver the bread.
