Friday, June 25, 2010

The Beast

Yesterday, I was folding clothes in Momma and Daddy's room when I noticed a sleeping beauty on Daddy's chair. Or should I call him a sleeping beast? Spunkabitty loves to show of his unusual features for the camera.

A frightful sight, but we love him anyway.

Here are some of the pictures that Momma took of us giving pony-rides to our neighbors' grandchildren. Peg and Buddy behaved admirably, as usual. They really seem to enjoy giving rides to their little friends. Buddy especially does a good job.
Ben perches atop Buddy as his sister swings
He takes all the activity buzzing around him in stride. One of his many child-pleasing tricks is to allow them to slide off over his tail.
Malcolm prepares to slide down Buddy's tail
(Of course, Annie has put in extensive training and testing to make sure everything goes smoothly and safely. The credit cannot all go to Buddy, though he thinks it should.)

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