Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lyla's Riding Lessons

We had Lyla, a neighbor's granddaughter, over to ride Buddy three times this week. Lyla is five years old, and she loves to come and play with Buddy and Miss Annie. Annie has been teaching Lyla to ride, and she is definitely a talented student. Lyla's only problem with riding is that her tiny feet don't quite reach past the saddle. She has to work hard to give Buddy his cues, but she manages very well. She can ride him all by herself.

Annie put Lyla on the longe line this week to practice posting the trot and to work on her balance and position in the saddle. That can be challenging when the saddle is big enough to fit two Lylas. Buddy is just the right size for her, though. It is really cute to watch the three of them working together.

Lyla won't be able to come back and ride until Thanksgiving. She will probably be a lot bigger by then, and perhaps she will be able to do more things with Buddy. She loves her Buddy, and she told Annie that if Annie ever gets ready to sell him, she will buy him! I don't know that her mom would like that idea as much as Lyla does.

We will sure miss our little friend Lyla with her pink cowgirl boots. I hope we can have her over again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I learned how to trot on a longe line when I was seven. Trouble was, it was on a English saddle, and the old rascal was holding his breath. The saddle slid, and I suddenly found myself hanging on upside down... Of course Buddy would never do a thing like that - he sounds like such a sweetie! :)
