Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Driver's License Woes

On Monday afternoon, Momma and I went to town so I could take the driving test and obtain my driver's license.  Momma asked me if I was nervous, and I told her that I wouldn't become nervous until I was actually starting the test.  I was confident that I would pass the test, since I have been driving quite a bit. 

When I walked into the DMV office, I found that I would be tested by a lady who hadn't been particularly nice to me in the past.  In fact, she is rather gruff.  We headed out to our SUV, and I got into the driver's seat.  I promptly became very nervous, and I fumbled around with the keys.  My car companion wasn't helping me feel any better.  However, when I commenced driving, my nervousness quickly diminished.  It wasn't too hard, after all.  I attempted conversation with the lady sitting beside me, but she didn't answer.

As we pulled back into the DMV parking lot, I heaved a sigh of relief. I thought I had done pretty well, though I did not perform as well as I do with Momma or Daddy in the car.  Then came the crushing blow.

I was told that I lacked confidence, and that I had made a mistake right at the end without knowing it.  I was told that I had not passed, and the lady thought I ought to wait a month before I took the test over again.  I don't always take criticism very well, and I have to admit that I began to cry.  I was so disappointed.  The lady immediately became much more friendly and tried to comfort me.

After I managed to stop crying so hard, I drove to the pharmacy so that Momma could pick up some prescriptions.  Yesterday I drove all over the city of Zachary in the rain without any problems.  I am an able driver, as long as I am not nervous with that lady in the car. 

My motto is going to be "try, try again."  I think I will take the test over again in a week or so.  It can't be any worse than it was on Monday!


  1. Jill, hang in there! I can't tell you the number of times I would cry in different professors offices! It was alot. Just remember that the Lord is in control and that only the Lord will give you confidence, not time, experience, more studying, etc. I will be praying for you and your next test and also for the lady!

  2. Jill, hang in there! I can't tell you the number of times I cried in different professors offices! It was alot. Just remember only the Lord will give you confidence, not more time, experience, studying, etc. I will be praying for you and your next test and also for the lady!

  3. sorry, I thought the computer wasn't saving my comments!

  4. Jill, I am sorry you didn't pass your test this time. You will next time. My dad didn't get his driver's license until he was over 50 years old, and he failed twice. Can you imagine how he felt? You have a great outlook and the Lord will bless you, as He always does!

  5. Do try again. I have complete confidence in your driving abilities.

  6. I was almost done with my test, and for some wild reason - I turned left when the intstructor had said right... I still managed to pass - but I'm definitely glad it isn't one of those things that has to be done every year... I'm sure you'll pass next time!

  7. I failed the written test the first time I took it. And I was so sure I would pass, little did I know it was going to be on a computer that didn't let you go back on a question! I passed the driving part, but barely I do believe.
    Better luck next time! Try thinking about something other than the lady in the car!
